Thursday 16 January 2014

Winter Peril - First Cut


This is the first cut of the opening to our group's film 'Winter Peril'. Within this we have used animated logos and titles, transition effects between video and music clips, effects over the top of video clips, various cuts and a range of shots throughout the clips of footage. To create this we have used Adobe Premiere Pro to collate all of the footage and logos, we used Adobe After Effects to create our moving logos and 'YouTube' and 'Google' to overcome any problems we had.

In our film, I am happy with the cuts between footage and the speed that they go at as they keep the viewer entertained without being long clips of footage before it changes causing the viewer to get a little bored as the film drags on. As well as this I think that our animated logos and titles work well as they add movement to what could normally be a still image and add to the genre - horror - of our film. I think that the transitions I have used between some clips of footage and the music clips, I think the music clips help to build suspension within the opening, as well as the transitions which help to show how the clips link together.

To add to this, I think that the complexity of some of our editing works well in this as it has enabled us as a group to showcase our skills throughout - for example we have used editing to produce a zoom in on a certain area of a clip, animated logos and titles, and effects over clips to give it a different feel within the opening - these have worked well in our film as not only have they showcased our skills but have made our film look professional and to a high standard.

In contrast to this, I think that some aspects of our film need to be slightly altered to keep up the high standard that we have began to establish.  For example the zoom in that we created could be smoother to make it seem like it has been done on a camera rather than through editing.  As well as this we would like to change the filters that we have put over some of the footage, as we feel that it doesn't work as well as it could, so by improving this we feel that this could bring the atmosphere that we want to create to the film clip.  Finally we would like to put a few more sound effects into the film to add to some fo the clips, for example we would like to add a laser sound effect over the 'E' title and gun shots over the titles of the different cast and crew members to help make the glass breaking make sense.

The problems we faced included how to slow down footage, how to create the animated logos, and also had to find the suitable music.  To fix these problems we used 'YouTube' tutorials and to locate the right music we used sites that were found from 'Google'

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Filming - On Set

When arriving on set, we found a suitable location within the woods that would be able to be used for the different scenes that we needed.  We began by shooting all scenes involving the dog so as to allow the owners to take him home and to ensure he was kept calm throughout the filming.  These went well, however some shots had to be filmed more than once as the dog began to get jumpy in some shots.

Once the dog had gone we began to film close ups of the ring, the match on action and the hand held camera shots. Throughout this we found that it was hard to get the close ups of the ring and facial expressions clear through zoom, we resolved this by holding the camera close to the object to ensure we can get the clarity. As well as this we had to re-film the handheld shots of the girl being chased as we found it difficult to find the best way to shoot the clip. In the end it took us around 4-5 takes before we found a suitable shot.

Overall I found that the filming experience was enjoyable and I found that I learnt new ways to work within our group and where our strengths were.

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Winter Peril - Production Schedule (Task 9)

Winter Peril

7th December 2013
Hopwas Woods


Director – Phoebe Glynn – 07*********
Camera Man – Reece Tomson – 07*********
Producer – Gary Robinson – 07*********

9:45 – 10:00
Meeting on location and set up
10:00 – 11:00
Filming of couple walking through the woods
Long Shot

Medium Long Shot

Medium Long Shot

Pan (following couple)
Long Shot

Close up of Characters feet walking
11:00 – 12:30
Filming couple finding the ring whilst walking the dog with match on action shots filmed and some dialogue
Match on Action
Shot Reverse Shot
Extreme close up
Medium Close Up
Low angle medium shot
Medium Close up – extreme long shot
12:30 – 1:00
Lunch Break
1:00 – 2-30
Filming of young girl in the woods being chased by ‘thug’ – see the ring drop to the floor
Hand Held camera – POV Shot
Long Shot
Close Up
Medium Shot

2:30 – 2:45
Establishing shot of the area
2:45 – 3:00
Pack equipment and leave location

*Bold Shots will be filmed from the back of the actors*

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Winter Peril - Storyboard (Task 6)

Film Roles - Production Team and Casting (Task 7 and 8)

Director: Phoebe Glynn
Writer: Reece Tomson, Phoebe Glynn and Gary Robinson
Camera person: Reece Tomson
Editor: Reece Tomson, Phoebe Glynn and Gary Robinson
Producer: Gary Robinson

The director is required to guide the technical crew as to how the script is wanted to be seen and makes the executive decisions over the artistic and dramatic aspects of the film.

The writer of the film is the person that writes the script and main story line/plot.

The camera person is the person in charge of the camera, and manages the physical operation of the camera with camera angles and movement of a particular scene.

The editor collaborates with the author to create the idea they have envisioned through altering and combining the material that has been collected in order to produce the final product.

The producer prepares and then supervises the making of a film before presenting the product to a financing entity or a film distributor. They are involved in helping both the creative and finance teams.


Cast: Jamie Glynn and Sammie Peach
Props: a dog and a ring

The characters that each cast member will play are: Jamie will play Mark and Sammie will play Emily.  Sammie will be using the ring and Jamie will be walking the dog.