Wednesday 15 January 2014

Filming - On Set

When arriving on set, we found a suitable location within the woods that would be able to be used for the different scenes that we needed.  We began by shooting all scenes involving the dog so as to allow the owners to take him home and to ensure he was kept calm throughout the filming.  These went well, however some shots had to be filmed more than once as the dog began to get jumpy in some shots.

Once the dog had gone we began to film close ups of the ring, the match on action and the hand held camera shots. Throughout this we found that it was hard to get the close ups of the ring and facial expressions clear through zoom, we resolved this by holding the camera close to the object to ensure we can get the clarity. As well as this we had to re-film the handheld shots of the girl being chased as we found it difficult to find the best way to shoot the clip. In the end it took us around 4-5 takes before we found a suitable shot.

Overall I found that the filming experience was enjoyable and I found that I learnt new ways to work within our group and where our strengths were.

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