Tuesday 1 October 2013

Preliminary Task - Video Evaluation (Task 1)

 Preliminary Task - Video Evaluation

A 180 degree rule is after establishing where characters are within the shot, you must keep the camera on that side to ensure the characters stay in the same place in comparison to each other. This allows the audience to maintain their understanding whilst watching the clip.

A match on action is where the perspective of the camera changes during a scene and the scene continues to flow. This allows the clip to be seamless and for the edit to not be obvious.

The matching of eye lines between two or more characters. For example, if Sam looks to the right in shot A, Jean will look to the left in shot B. This establishes a relationship of proximity and continuity. 

I incorporated these into the storyboarding and planning of my film by including when they would be used to ensure I followed the guidelines, and also highlighted where I would need to place the camera to ensure that the eye lines matched and I followed the 180 degree rule.

I think that the filming process worked well, because I feel that the shots I managed to shoot were to a high quality and also they were easy to edit together to make a seamless movie clip. However not all shots from my storyboard were collected as we couldn't always use the area of the college we wanted due to other groups, and it took longer than we were expecting to get some shots and get our cast organised therefore causing us to run out of filming time. This made the editing difficult as the story did not flow as well as it could have and meant that we sometimes had to re shoot some of the shots as they weren't perfectly shot, but although we were not able to shoot all of the shots we managed to make a clip out of the shots we had, and it still made sense.

When using the editing software, I learnt how to add transitions, sound and titles correctly and also which ones worked more effectively than others.  For example, I found that cross dissolves worked better than dip to white/black and looked neater on our film.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Phoebe, this is a reasonable evaluation. You have shown that you understand the technical aspects that I asked you to include and have illustrated them well. However I think that the self evaluation of your work is far too brief. I would like to see specific examples of what went well and what didn't. What challenges did that give you in the edit? What will you do differently next time?
    Miss Spencer
