Thursday 10 October 2013

Research Into Existing Products - Thriller (Task 2)

Within the opening clips of ‘Seven’ and ‘Red Dragon’ a fast paced set of cuts are used to build tension within the scene and to help show the fast-paced theme that the film is based upon. As well as this it causes the audience to understand where the director wants to take the mood of the film. For example, in the scene where the characters are watching an orchestra perform in the concert hall in 'Red Dragon', fast paced cuts are used to cut between Hannibal and the flautist that is not playing correctly; this gives an inclination that Hannibal has something in for him and due to his past in 'The Silence of The Lambs' it makes the audience believe that he is going to eat him, his reputation for being a cannibal creeping back on him.

To add to this the clips both use low key lighting to build the atmosphere of the film, this then adds to the tension that the film already creates and builds upon the adrenaline that ‘Thriller’ films are stereotyped to create also. This can be seen in 'Seven' when the main character, played by Morgan Freeman, is getting ready to leave his apartment. This could show that it is early morning, or that he lives in quite a cheap flat in a dingy area so does not have bright lighting that may be found in more built up areas within cities.

The films also both use costume to create an ambiance and to also distinguish class between the characters. For example ‘Seven’ uses costume to distinguish the higher ranking detectives from the lower ranking police officers, whereas in ‘Red Dragon’ the costume is used to distinguish the upper classes from the middle and lower class public within the scenes. This allows the audience to follow the characters lifestyle choices within the piece and also allows them to possibly understand why the characters are portrayed in the movie that way, and to represent their past and future.

Within both clips also, the use of diegetic sound helps to build an atmosphere and texture and add to the tense aura already present. This causes an audience to engage in the tension within the clip and also to understand the setting in which the characters are placed.  In 'Seven' this is done through the use of sirens, talking and traffic; showing that he is in a city environment and is involved in crime - underpinned by the fact he is a Police Detective. These sounds can be heard in particular when the characters are at the scene of a murder, this pinpoints a setting for the audience to help them understand where the murder has taken place and often to create a stereotype through this. For example they could stereotype an area of America to be More violent, so could assume that that is where the scene is currently set.  In contrast, in 'Red Dragon' ambient sounds from a piano, music from the orchestra and dialogue, show the characters to be quite sophisticated and show them to be in an upper class setting - a concert hall. The concert hall shows the characters to be of wealth, this is then supported by when the characters are in a the following scene, this is set in a larger house in a very sophisticated dining room.  This shows the characters to be smart and polite as they all sit round the table in calm conversation.

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