Thursday 10 October 2013

Research Into Existing Products - Romantic Comedy (Task 2)

Romantic Comedy

In the opening scenes of ‘Hitch’ and ‘Love Actually’ a common feature of Romantic Comedy films is used – a voice over. This allows the audience to see into the mind of the main characters and also sets the tone of the film – whether it be more comedic, more romantic or a mix of the two. This can be seen in 'Hitch' when as the different scenes pass, the voice over by Will Smith explains what he 'teaches' to the people he works with, this then gives an insight into the film and also gives a brief outline of what he does as a job in this particular film.  As well as this it creates a bond between the character and the audience as the audience may feel like the characters trust them enough to tell them what’s really happening inside their heads.

Within the clips, also, were characters from everyday walks of life. This allows the audience to enjoy the films as it means they can follow the characters stories better as they are simply normal people from normal lifestyles. This is shown in the film 'Love Actually' as the opening includes clips from the arrivals area in an airport of family greeting each other after not seeing each other for a while; it shows parents meeting their children, older husbands greeting their older wives, younger couples being reunited and also friends meeting each other. This allows the audience to follow the story line as it is a concept that is easy to understand as the characters are normal people from everyday walks of life.

Another aspect found in both films was the use of titles as the scenes progressed. This can  also be seen during 'Love Actually' whilst the clips of the meetings are shown, they introduce important people from the making of the film such as the director and executive producers, but also reiterates what Hugh Grant is saying in the voice over by placing the words ''love actually is all around'' on the screen as he says them.  This shows the importance of the words and also brings the title of the film on to the screen in an imaginative way, catching the audiences attention.

During the openings to these films, the cuts between scenes are smooth and seamless. This allows the transitions to be clear and for there to be no unwanted jerkiness. It shows the calm sense of both films, and allows an audience to relax whilst watching it as it flows smoothly. This can be seen in 'Hitch' when the clip changes between the many characters to portray the many groups of people Will Smith's character has helped, and the clip changes quite smoothly with the image.

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