Wednesday 13 November 2013

Character Profiles - Winter Peril (Task 4)

Name – Mark Westwood
Age – 23
Characteristics – Mark is a 23 year old man who, in the film, is accompanying his girlfriend Lucy on a dog walk.  He has recently moved in with Lucy in a small village and is a well-known member of the community. He is a Vet who often visits the local farms to treat the animals, therefore becoming a large part of the village’s community. He is a typical male, loving video games and football, but when it is needed he can be sensitive and loving.
Character Role – Mark is there to keep Lucy company on the walk, he is not a main character and is only seen occasionally throughout the film.  He is mainly there to accompany Lucy and is seen in scenes when Lucy is at home, etc.

Name – Emily Thompson
Age – 14
Characteristics – Emily is a 14 year old girl who is the owner of the ring that is found in the field.  She lost it when she was running from a man that had not only killed her parents but was threatening to kill her.  Normally she is a calm, kind girl who enjoys writing stories in her spare time.  However she is extremely short tempered and can be angered easily. She is thought to have lived in a large stately home that once sat on the grounds of the farm that now sees Lucy and Mark walking through; this was owned and built by her grandparents who left it to her father in their will.
Character Role – Emily is the main character within our film and is seen throughout the whole film. She is first seen when Lucy finds the ring and is a constant reoccurring character as we follow re-enactments of her life.

Name – Thug
Age – 19
Characteristics – The thug is a 28 year old man who is the murderer of young Emily’s parents. His character is unknown and there are no details that are known to the audience that could give light on who he is

Character Role – The thug’s role is to chase the young girl through the grounds and is only seen in the first clip. He is seen as the enemy in the film.

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