Monday 11 November 2013

Genre Research (Task 3)

After my own research through surveying the public I have concluded that the two main genres of films that people tend to prefer to watch are Romantic Comedies and Horror films.

All of this of course is based on different aspects and attributes of people, for example the main group of people that answered my survey were women, which could have had an effect as Romantic Comedies are stereotypically produced for women to watch. 

Another key example I came across in my studies is that Horrors were not as popular, this is because the males that took part in my survey preferred Thrillers, and many of the women do not often like Horror films as the stereotype is that they are easily scared and my research confirms this.

The British Film Institute issue a statistical yearbook annually which holds statistical data about film releases throughout the year such as box office sales and the genres that had been released. Within this information the best selling box office hits in British history are shown indicating the most watched films and genres, top of the list is the latest and final Harry Potter Film: Deathly Hallows Part 2 which is an action/fantasy film series that follows the iconic character made by Warner Bros.

The reasons for it being the most watched film include the main character - Harry Potter - being one of the most well known and iconic characters around the world.  The films are aimed at teenagers but are also loved by adults, as well as this it was originally a book so those that have read the series will enjoy watching the films to see how they differ.  After seeing the film, they will also recommend to family and friends who may also enjoy the film if they found that it was good and was worth watching.

Aside from action films, an alternative genre dominating the table is romantic theatre and romantic films in general with the likes of Mamma Mia!, Love Actually and Bridget Jones placing within the top 20, this is not as surprising as many women will have gone to see these films, and like with Deathly Hallows will have chosen to take loved ones with them, and then gone on to recommend the film to friends and family. 

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