Tuesday 26 November 2013

Script - Winter Peril (Task 4)

Winter Peril-

The film starts with a couple walking their dog round the outskirts of a field that has been recently ploughed by the farmer and the soil is all raised up, the woman looks down to see a half buried ring on the surface of the soil, as she bends down to pick it up, we then cut to a flash back of a woman being chased through a field/ area by an unknown mystery character who we see the perspective of, the only time we see this character here is a shaded shot of the person from the girls perspective as she falls down. We then cut back to a match on action of the woman picking up the ring and slowly walking away with her partner very happy to have been lucky enough to find the ring, it’s then when we cut away again to a flashback of the girl previously being chased lying dead on the floor and the shaded character walking away in to the darkness.
The couple are walking in the field and it’s set in mid-afternoon/dusk when they find the ring and the flashback scene is set at around the same time if not a little bit later in a previous year.
During the chase scene there will be screaming from the girl because she is scared of the situation she is in. Also we will be playing high tension music as from when the woman bends down to pick the ring up as she doesn't know the danger she is in of picking up the ring because of the history of the ring.
The credits will be running throughout the opening scene and will be done in a way that makes them not too prominent and at the forefront of the scene, this means that the main focus won’t be detracted from our actors.

This is the end of the scene. 

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