Wednesday 27 November 2013

Font Research for Movie Titles - 'The Thing', 'Se7en' and 'Dexter'

I have chosen the font for 'The Thing from Another World' because I like the effects that have been placed upon the font and also how the font portrays the mood of the film. For example it shows that it is going to be either a horror or a thriller movie because of the disheveled letters and dark, neutral colours that are common within these genres.  I think this font would work well for my film as it suits the genre I am doing and would highlight the mood also.

(Link to opening titles -
I also liked the font on the title of 'Se7en'.  This is because it is quite subtle but still stands out on the pitch black background.  As well as this, the font is quite mysterious in its shape, as it has patterns coming off of it that would be seen in an old, medieval style of book. This authenticity adds to the sense of the film as it adds a mysterious feel to the piece of how the plot of the film will unfold.

(Link to opening titles -
Finally I liked the opening titles for 'Dexter'.  This is due to the strong text, accompanied with a strong colour also.  As well as this the small specks of blood highlight the fact that the film/programme is most likely to be either horror or thriller and adds to the mystery of the piece.

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